December 4, 2024
Crazy that the year is almost over. I feel encased in jello, moving slow-motion. I had the thought while standing in the Pacific Ocean for the first time that the closest any of us will really come to being frozen in jello will be while standing in the ocean. Today I saw an eggnog-lime gelatin mold in a food magazine and was appalled that anyone would do that in the modern day. I really don't believe that anyone who has cookbooks has really made every recipe they've published.
My semester is almost over; I'm currently sitting on my college campus waiting for my class to begin. I have a presentation and a final left to complete. In the spring, I'll take an elective course and intern for a fairly established local nonprofit. Considering I've only worked for tiny grassroots orgs, I'm morbidly excited for the experience.
I keep going to Fruitcake, Baltimore's premier queer reading series. It's fun to hang out. Someday I'll get onto my feet and read something to people who could listen to it, but I haven't visualized what it would look like to peer out at a dozen people while pretending they don't exist.
The past week and a half included me finally moving into a new apartment, too, and away from the roommate that refused to speak to me. My cat is doing so much better, but he was more anxious than I've ever seen him at first. The initial part of any move is stressful for a cat, and he's a stress-pisser. He did piss on my lap while in-transit. But he's doing way, way better now.
I saw Wicked and was prepared to be critical but I actually thought it was pretty good. Call me what you will for that one.
Other thoughts I had while standing in the Pacific Ocean included that I think it's weird to wear a ball cap in the sea but it's psychotic to swim in a hoodie.
My dad taught my flash nonfiction in Black Glass Pages to his high school students they all thought the father-character was going to murder his daughter. Other than that they seemed to like it, and I guess that's what it means to "make it."
My dad also read my flash nonfiction in JAKE and said he didn't like that one as much, but said that "hey, I was young once, too."
My dad also looked at my website and said it was "fine." Thanks dad.
Soon I'm going to have a six-week span where all I need to do is plan a party and lie face-down on my bed and let my heartbeat rattle my bones around.

December 11, 2024
I'm done with my semester! One more to go & I'll be done with my degree! It's taken me a long time to learn what the end of the tunnel could look like but I think it's taking shape.
But until the end of January, I have a few more hours back into my own life to get other stuff done, and here's what I think I want to accomplish (or chip away at):
- Life
- Finish settling into my new apartment
- Union adminstrative work
- Plan & host my 2nd annual NYE party
- Finish Disco Elysium, finally?
- Play through MySims Agents for the Wii AND the MySims Cozy Bundle (that I am getting from my library bc I am not paying $40 for that)
- Craft
- Make 4 more collages to finish out a microchap (& edit said microchap)
- Finish a website for one of my partner's community events
- Start another website (secret)
- Write more?
- Reading List
- Danez Smith's Bluff
- Alexis De Vaux's Yabo (Friend recommendation)
- Rachel Simmons' Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Young Girls (Patron recommendation)
- Sarah Kay's A Little Daylight Left (ARC!)
- Alex Dimitrov's Ecstasy (ARC!)
- Ashley Elizabeth's CHARM(ed)
- cavar's Failure to Comply
It's unlikely that I'll get to all of this, but I'd like to have options.
Happy Holidays if you have them. Happy days if you don't. I <3 u and hope ur doing well wherever you may be :)